Jewish Care Scotland is made up a committed Board of Trustees, enthusiastic staff and dedicated volunteers.
We all share a goal to deliver high quality care to those in need.
Senior Management Team
Interim CEO: Linda Kemp
Deputy Chief Executive: Robyn Friel
Head of Service for Finance and Administration: Karen Ruth
Registered Manager: Vicki McPhee
Board of Trustees
The Board of Directors is elected at the Annual General Meeting. Directors, as Trustees, are responsible for the policy and financial wellbeing of the charity.
Chairman: Dr Richard Groden
Vice Chairman: Paul Winocour
Treasurer: Brian Fox
Company Secretary: Howard Beach
Board of Directors: Barry Adams-Strump, Howard Beach, Nick Black, Brian Fox, Richard Groden, Tracy Levy-Vallance, Sam Selkirk and Paul Winocour.
Honorary President: Maureen Solomons
Honorary Vice-Presidents: Marcus Green, Angela Hecht, Paul Morron, Melville Robinson, Lesley Roles, Trevor Schuster-Davis, Joan Sellyn and David Strang.
Jewish Care Scotland is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association under the Companies Act 1985. It also adheres to the values and principles as set out by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator OSCR, registration number SC005267.