Gift Aid – When you tick the Gift Aid box Jewish Care Scotland can claim an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue for every £1 you give. This means a £10 donation is worth £12.50 – it makes a real difference to Jewish Care Scotland and it doesn’t cost you a thing.
Look out of the Gift Aid tick box on our Annual Appeal donation form and include it with your donation to Jewish Care Scotland.
You can tick the Gift Aid box when you donate online.
You can download a gift aid form by clicking here and print the form from your computer.
You can phone us at 0141 620 1800 or e mail us at for a gift aid form.
If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can claim the difference between the higher rate of tax at 40/45 per cent and the basic rate of tax at 20 per cent on the total value to your donation to the charity (the ‘gross donation’). You make this claim on your Self Assessment tax return
Download our donation form here.